Thanks but No Thanks Letters Make Business Sense
Thursday, 27 August 2015
How you treat candidates for your jobs really matters. Sending a candidate who wasn’t selected for an interview or for the job is an extra, but positive step, your company can take to build good will with candidates and establish yourself as an employer of choice in the community. Let’s face it! Whether you are
- Published in HR Live, HR Online, Uncategorized
Proposed Change to the Overtime Laws
Thursday, 27 August 2015
President Obama announced a change in labor rules, which would extend overtime benefits to an estimated 5 million people nationwide. Here’s how federal overtime regulations work now and how they would change under the proposed rules. How is overtime eligibility determined now? Currently, workers whose annual income is less $23,660 are classified as “non-exempt”
- Published in HR Live, HR Online, Uncategorized